Greetings ladies and gents.
Welcome to the new adventure of exploring a sonic tour of Tokyo's underground.
Close your eyes and pretend you're lost in Tokyo at 2 AM.
Sushi Dans L'Espace 0:00
Tokyo Sound 3:00
Meiko 701 6:39
Satoru 10:03
Kyoto Lounge 13:18
Kokotsu No Sekai 16:05
Nihon Chill 19:17
Chillyo 22:35
Katakana 25:19
Salon de Beauté 28:15
London Car Chase 31:18
Illogical 34:19
Euphoria 37:57
Chill With Me 41:02
Green Hat Man 44:35
Abstract Mundo 47:11
Obeying Rules Implicitly 49:52
Kuro Midnight 53:10
Follow me on insta:
Here is a list of all the software & hardware I used.
Software for music:
-Akai MPC Software (Production)
-Izotope Ozone 7 (Mixing & Mastering)
Hardware for music:
-Yamaha P45
-Yamaha MX49
-Akai MPC Renaissance
-Boss RC 505