Have you heard of the world’s poorest president? It is common for Presidents or former Presidents of a country to be among the richest in that country, living in mansions, driving the best cars, and going on vacations. This is not surprising given the amount of salaries and other incentives that come with being a president. But even aside from their salaries, most presidents use their position to gather wealth through illicit means such as bribery and diverting public funds for personal use. However, even though this is the current order of things, there are still some presidents both current and past in recent times, who dared to be different. Instead of focusing on gathering wealth as much as possible, these leaders live austere lives and commit to protecting the interests of the people. In today's video, we will show you two presidents, though one is no longer a President, who falls in this category. So, who are they? They are Ibrahim Traore of Burkina Faso and Jose Mujica of Uruguay.
Jose Mujica was a former president of Uruguay who ruled Uruguay from 2010 to 2015. Although he ruled for just one term, Mujica was different from his predecessors and his successor. Mujica was first a Minister of Agriculture, before he became president of Uruguay and has been described as an anti-politician who speaks the language of the people. Before he became president, Mujica was arrested and imprisoned for 14 years for his activities in Tupamaro, a revolutionary organization founded by Raúl Sendic and others whose goal was to undermine Uruguay’s repressive leadership. This made some to call him the Nelson Mandela of Uruguay. Jose Mujica has always been an outspoken critic of capitalism's focus on stockpiling material possessions which do not contribute to human happiness. And, unlike other leaders who say one thing but act completely different from what they preach, Mujica’s lifestyle is a complete example of what he preaches.