Crisis At Kat's Base! Missing Mechanical! | Gecko's Garage | Trucks For Children | Cartoons For Kids

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Gecko's Garage - Trucks For Children
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Gecko visits Kat’s base to replace Helena’s helicopter rotas. However, everything goes wrong when there’s a power cut! Gecko has the bright idea to use the old rotas to build a wind turbine, and get energy that way! It takes a few tries, but eventually they get it working, providing clean energy for Kat’s Base!

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Gecko's Garage is a big truck cartoon series for children all about fixing trucks and vehicles, including monster trucks, buses, ambulances, construction trucks and lorries.

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00:00 Kat's Base Energy Crisis
02:19 Baby Truck Trick or Treat
04:20 Fire at the Garage
06:27 Fiona's Super Siren
08:36 Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead)
11:39 Baby Truck's First Driving Test
13:46 Zig Zag Bobby
15:49 Rainbow Mechanicals Hide and Seek
18:00 Tractor Trouble
20:04 Monster Truck Mix Up
22:12 Bobby the Bus Goes Electric
24:21 Baby Truck Sleepover
26:25 The Dump Truck Slide
28:37 Motorcycle Madness
30:46 Baby Truck Loses Her Dummy
32:52 Runaway Caravan
34:56 Baby Truck is Sick
37:04 Monster Truck Boo Boo
39:07 Spooky Camping!
41:13 Fair Play Football Mix Up
44:23 Weasel's Wheels
46:33 Monster Truck Rescue
48:39 Firefighter School Rescue
51:42 Gecko is Frozen
53:42 Hero Day
56:45 Tilly Tow Truck is Sick
59:42 Sly and The Mole
1:01:43 Mummy Truck Saves the Day
1:03:51 Blue is Lost
1:06:56 Molly's Lost Teddy Adventure

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  © 2019-2021
  Crisis At Kat's Base! Missing Mechanical! | Gecko's Garage | Trucks For Children | Cartoons For Kids - RusLar.Me