vegetable oil -500 ml
Salt - 1 tbsp
Warm water -500 ml
Ground beef-500gr
2 onions
1. In a large bowl, sift together salt and flour. Add oil. Add water to the flour mixture (a small amount at a time) mixing it and kneading dough until it's even, soft and doesn't stick to your hands. Add a little more flour if the dough is sticky, or water if it's stiff. Place the dough aside and prepare the filling.
2.In a separate bowl mix together ground beef, finely chopped onion. Season the mixture with salt and pepper
Для теста:
1 кг муки
1 чл соли
50 мл растительного масла
500 со тёплой воды
Для начинки:
500 гр говяжьего фарша
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