Hey guys,
I am Aman aka Not A Dude and i like to create videos for you all.
i hope you love my videos
for my more info watch my Qna!
Qna Part 1 -
Qna Part 2 -
About Video-
summary -:
In this video i made a funny video about the School. When the Result comes be like!
countries that is in video -: India , Pakistan , Bhutan , USA , Russia and China.
Countries in a nutshell!
Some Tags or Hastags
#india #Russia #dudeop #holi #holiinanutshell #happyholi #holiday #celebration #usa #nepal #ohio #indiacountryball #pakistan #paralleluniverses #trending #bangladesh #cute #countryballs #countriesinanutshell #nutshell #geography #history #school #schoollife #schoolmemes #schoolresult #result #funny #cute
if you read this then comment ~ #dudeop ~ in the comment section.