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00:00 Introduction
00:38 Maynard’s musical origins: Joni Mitchell
03:12 The difference between the map and the road
06:19 Breaking boundaries with Mat Mitchell in Puscifer
07:40 The creative process & puzzle solving
10:49 Writing with Danny Carey
14:06 Maintaining long band relationships
16:07 Black Sabbath, Marvel comics and monster movies
18:18 Did you envision yourself in heavy metal?
19:38 Trashing/loving KISS and the challenging brilliance of Ace Frehley
23:41 Punk rock, pushing against & Minor Threat
26:52 Black Flag at peak intensity
28:52 Is there a middle finger in all your bands?
29:37 The dawn of the Tool era, people vs. the puzzles & the long game
38:48 Carina Round, Maynard’s twin
39:52 Devo’s “Jerkin Back and Forth” & Maynard’s functional headdress
41:04 A psychedelic Existential Reckoning & where Maynard & Alex Grey digress
45:05 The live mix of Puscifer's "Live from Arcosanti" soundtrack
46:32 Maynard’s Musical Mount Rushmore
48:53 The hidden jokes and hidden meaning, taking the art seriously but never yourself, ToolAnon
50:03 Who is Ms. Puscifer?
52:23 Five Songs That Changed Your Life
#maynardjameskeenan #puscifer #aperfectcircle #tool #revolverfanfirst #fanfirst #KISS #blacksabbath #jonimitchell #DEVO #blackflag #minorthreat #dannycarey #carinaround #fearinoculum #metal #heavymetal #hardcore #progmetal #progrock