Synthesizing a Cello/Double Bass sound is something ive attempted from time to time over the years with various gear without any real success, but today's probably the closest i've gotten. Extremely finicky patch, if I so much as breathed at it wrong i'd lose the resonant body sound.
Suggestions are welcome!
Patch summarised:
Elements and QPAS are the main culprits for the cello qualities - carefully tuning in the resonant peaks to mimic a wooden body.
VCO is triggering both sides of Rampage, with one side a couple of subharmonics down - mixed then sent thru Sirius distortion/lowpass with resonance quite high, then thru a VCA and into Elements' external input - exciting its resoantor when triggered. Elements' exciter and resonator are set to separate outputs, the resonator is put thru a VCA then multed to output mixer and other mixer #2. Exciter also multed to both output mixer and mixer #2. Mixer #2 output to QPAS using the Smile Pass filter. Resonant peaks on QPAS are radiated and tuned. A sawtooth from the VCO very slightly modulates QPAS' cut-off.
Various modulation and sequencing via Westlicht performer and Klavis Quadigy. Strymon Magneto to spice up the vid (with a little Digitone too)