Original Amiga game soundtrack from the game Blastar, developed by Core Design in 1993.
Composed by Martin Iveson a.k.a. Nuke a.k.a. Spaceman
The first bonus track (Intro / np2.music02) is apparently meant to be used as an intro or logo sequence, but it is not used in the game. Also, the short track (np2.music03) is not used in the game and could be either a loader track or even music made for highscore entry. At least you get score in the game, but there's no highscore table or any use for those points. The last bonus track is an alternative version for the Celestial Cosmos level.
00:00 Intro (np3.music05)
01:02 Menu/Title (np2.music01)
03:02 Biogenic Peninsula (np2.music06)
05:06 Biogenic Peninsula Boss (np2.music07)
06:04 Lavic Island (np2.music08)
07:59 Lavic Island Boss (np2.music09)
08:45 Warp Gate (np2.music12)
10:02 Cybernetic Station / Going For Gold (np2.music10)
12:14 Going For Gold Boss (np2.music11)
13:06 Celestial Cosmos (np2.music13)
14:46 Celestial Cosmos Boss (np2.music14)
15:51 Game Ending (np3.music15)
18:02 Shop (np2.music04)
19:19 BONUS TRACK: Intro/Logo (np2.music02)
19:26 BONUS TRACK: Highscore? (np2.music03)
19:58 BONUS TRACK: Celestial Cosmos (Alternate version, blast(level6))
#gamesoundtrack #blastar