Shits and Giggles productions presents...
A heartwarming and inspiring documentary about a bullied teen who realises he has the power of a "Sith Lord". Featuring a cameo appearance by Darth Vader himself...... and a little bonus.
Written, directed and edited by Owen (sk84rice) and Hamish (devilryuNZ1)
Special thanks to Peter for lending his voice for narration, Nat for providing the Darth Vader helmet, LeroyElsing for allowing the use of his "Imperial march hip hop beat", Ryan for filming the "fight scene", and Tom L for coining the term "cocknostrill"
Special shoutouts to: Smashby, lollarkinglol, Mess4sam (aka the legendary "Big Sam" ) and "ol' James Sutty eating a bacon butty" for their cameo appearances. Extra special shoutouts to everyone else who was filmed and not informed they were being involved in such an amazing project.