Apple Podcasts:
00:00 Introduction
00:18 The first artist he put on a pedestal
02:04 KISS & Ace Frehley
06:56 Being 15 in 1980 & the musical landscape
12:47 F**k, Marry, Kill - blues, punk rock, metal
14:01 Black Sabbath & touring with Heaven and Hell
17:06 Pantera & his relationship with Dimebag
26:27 New Orleans
33:49 Type O Negative
38:32 History as a guitar player
42:56 The long hard journey to living as a musician & Down’s impact
47:33 19 records down, his solo material & what’s next
52:48 Down’s history & what they love the most
56:54 Down’s new music: a reimagined covers record
59:36 Crowbar’s “Dreamweaver” cover
01:01:15 Musical Mount Rushmore
01:03:09 The Golden Age of rock and roll
01:06:04 Soundtrack to first love and heartbreak
01:06:39 Five Songs That Changed Your Life
01:07:59 Falling in love with hardcore
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