Paul tells me why Japan is so important to him and the band and what ultimately made him decide to move there.
Paul’s latest band, The Small Square, have recently released their second album, Ours & Others. He talks about playing tag team piano in the studio, recording music that he wrote for someone else and how it doesn’t really feel like it’s his, and his connection and ghostly tribute to Tommy Keene. Check out smallsquaremusic.com or farmtolabelrecords for album info. Follow them at The Small Square on Facebook or smallish.square on Instagram. Follow us @PerformanceAnx on X & Instagram. You can buy our merch at performanceanx.threadless.com or feed our coffee habit at ko-fi.com/performanceanxiety. Now prepare to be crushed by Paul Chastain on Performance Anxiety on the Pantheon Podcast Network.