Eric Hernandez is a dynamic, young evangelistic and apologetically inclined preacher who has a passion for defending his faith on both theological and philosophical grounds. He is a licensed minister, certified formation therapist and currently teaches at Magdiel Bible Institute.
00:00- Who is Eric and his story about how an atheist professor got him interested in this topic.
08:50- Beginning of the Philisophical/Logical argument for the soul.
10:31- What is a soul?
13:42- Law of Identity.
18:35- Substance Dualism, a fancy word for, "I am a soul that has a brain and body."
20:53- Aggregates, a fancy word for asking, "are we just physical?"
26:51- Indivisibility of Personhood, a fancy word for saying we can't divide personhood. (Great logical argument against abortion, btw.)
29:42- The Biblical Argument for the Soul
33:24- An interesting perspective on the Sadducees and Jesus' view of the resurrection. (My favorite part.)
44:23- Which is right?: Dichotomy (body and soul) and trichotomy (body, soul and spirit)
55:15- Eric's view on if animals have souls?
● Longer answer on if animals have souls:
● Debate with an atheist about the soul:
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