Doppler Scan During Third Trimester : All You Need to Know!
Between weeks 34 and 36 of pregnancy, ultrasound investigations and Doppler sonography provide a crucial window into your baby's development. These safe and painless procedures offer valuable information about your baby's growth, position, and overall well-being as you approach your due date.
Your Baby's Development
By this stage, your baby is remarkably developed. They weigh approximately 2,400 to 2,600 grams and measure around 44 to 46 centimeters – about the size of a newborn! Most babies have settled into a head-down position, preparing for birth.
This is a time of incredible sensory development for your baby. They can now:
- Perceive light filtering through your abdominal wall.
- Recognize familiar voices, like yours and their father's.
- Experience the unique flavors and scents of the amniotic fluid they breathe and swallow.
- Their skin is sensitive to touch and even pain.
- They even have tiny eyebrows, eyelashes, and fingernails! Some babies even have a full head of hair. Their heart beats rapidly at 120 to 160 beats per minute – twice as fast as yours!
What the Ultrasound Examines:
The ultrasound assesses the placenta's position, size, and maturity. It's essential to ensure it's not blocking the cervix, which could complicate delivery.
For those who've had a previous cesarean section, the integrity of the uterine scar is carefully examined.
The amount of amniotic fluid is measured to ensure it's within a healthy range.
The ultrasound confirms that your baby is in a head-down position. If not, options for turning the baby can be discussed.
By measuring the baby's head, abdomen, and femur, their weight can be estimated, and their growth can be assessed. This helps identify any potential concerns.
Doppler sonography analyzes blood flow in the uterus, umbilical cord, baby's brain, and liver. This provides critical information about your baby's health.
Why This Scan Is Important:
This scan is particularly important for mothers who:
- Have a history of pregnancy complications.
- Are carrying twins.
- Have been diagnosed with conditions like pre-eclampsia or gestational diabetes.
- Have noticed changes in their baby's movements.
After the Scan:
The results will be explained in detail, and any questions you have will be answered. Recommendations for ongoing care and monitoring will also be provided.
It is Important to Remember that Most babies develop and are born healthy. This scan offers valuable information to support a safe and healthy delivery for both, you and your baby.