Biologist finds 3 rare giant Mekong catfish in exciting step for research on the endangered species

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New York Post
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A simultaneous rare catch of three adult Mekong giant catfish in Cambodia's Mekong River on Tuesday (December 10) has brought a lot of excitement to marine biologists and officials from the country's fisheries administration.

It bolsters hope that their decades-long coordinated conservation efforts will help the critically endangered species survive, a press release from an outreach program called Wonders of the Mekong project said.

The three that were caught on Tuesday were among six Mekong giant catfish that were caught in the past several days since last Friday (December 6). Two were found in the Tonle Sap River near the Cambodian capital, Phnom Penh, while one was found along a section of the Mekong River.

The three adults caught on Tuesday weighed 95, 120, and 131 kilograms (209 lbs, 265 lbs and 289 lbs), with the two larger ones measuring more than 2 meters (6.6 feet) in length. All three were measured, tagged, had small DNA samples taken, before being released into the river.

#cambodia #catfish #mekongriver

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