Amongst the earliest of Krautrock bands, The Blackbirds (like Xhol) started elsewhere before venturing on to experimental realms. In fact, they were originally a 1960's pop band typical of the soul-beat era, but with a touch of the Mothers Of Invention type satire and some progressive touches.
Country : Germany
Year : 1968
Artist : The Blackbirds
Album : No Destination/ single release
Genre: Krautrock/Psychedelic rock/ Space rock/ Kosmische Musik/ Space Age/Proto-prog/Prog/Ambient
Krautrock is a musical genre that emerged in the late 1960s, mainly represented by groups from West Germany. It is a general term used for bands playing experimental, underground, psychedelic, or partly electronic types of music. Krautrock is originally a subgenre of progressive rock, but instead of following Anglo-American models of jazz and classical music, the German musicians (often inspired by the use of psychedelic drugs) created a quite different sound.
Krautrock as a movement is combination of world wide hippe movement at the time, with unique post-ww2 atmosphere in (western) Germany. German youth searching for new cultural identity, combined with counterculture of the late 60s/early 70s.