01.morogh-six lies
utolso utjara kiserik
the chemicals of immortality
infected air- 00:00
02.leidungr-asugisalaz- 13:43
03.leidungr-arans temple- 18:30
04.arditi-maius- 23:59
05.leidungr-uarhas III- 26:29
06.traansmutt-hehbethkaphdaleth- 38:07
07.proto.u-chamber of visions- 46:18
08.emme ya-sigillum sabatti- 53:54
09.grande loge-epopteia-bjm- 1:02:13
10.morogh-evil organics- 1:08:18
11.leidungr-odainsacre-edit- 1:15:32
12.hadewych-hadewych II
minneroof- 1:26:49
13.morogh-an ancient curse from depths of hell
awake in a frozen hell
gyasz-bjm- 1:33:44
14.leidungr-nordisk kult- 1:44:11
kho-bjm- 1:50:00
samples-one or two.subtle.artists own
all alterations-bad jonnie
mix-bad jonnie
i do not own any copyrights whatsoever. if i have offended i can only apologize and offer to remove the offence. thank you for your time.