Today's wake 'n break is a samba inspired groove that has hi-hat openings on all of the downbeats. Taking the bass drum first, we have notes falling on 1 and the "a" of 1, 2 and the "a" of 2, on "3&", and on 4 and the "a" of 4. Looking at the hi-hats next, we have eighth notes on "1&2&3&4&" with open notes on all of the downbeats. Last but not least, our snare drum has accented notes on the "e" of 1, on "3&", and on 4, with ghost notes on the "a" of 1, the "e&" of 2, and on the "a" of 4. As always, I hope you dig it and here's to a happy and healthy 2020!
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