It’s rare for people to interrogate capitalism with this same question. Though if we did, the answer from bourgeois economists would be that capitalists pay for capitalism, by funding economic production. It’s an answer, however, that leaves out a lot more than it tells.
So who really pays for socialism? And who pays for capitalism? This video essay sets out to answer both these questions.
The answers may surprise you.
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►►Check out some of my other videos◄◄
► OK Boomer: Class War Not Generation War
► Tax the Rich? New questions: A Socialist Perspective
► Game of Thrones & Alternatives to Capitalism
► Satisfying Answers on Socialism: An Open Letter to Destiny
► Playlist
Learning resources on workplace organizing (can be applied to other types of
organizing and activism)
0:00 Introduction
2:49 Part 1: Who paid to industrialize the world?
7:22 Part 2: Don’t capitalists pay for capitalism?
13:17 Part 3: Who pays for socialism? (And capitalism?)
16:36 Call to action: Organize!
16:59 Outro
Estimated 2.78 million workers die in a year from workplace related accident or illness
Page 7 of “Improving the Safety and Health of Young Workers,”
Pyotr Kropotkin, The Conquest of Bread. G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1906 (original: 1892)
Karl Marx, Capital: Volume 1, p. 135 (chapter 7) and p. 146 (chapter 8). 1887 edition (originally published: 1867)
Karl Marx, Critique of the Gotha Programme, part 1. Published 1890-1.
Piano Sonata No. 11 in A, 3rd movement (Mozart)
Carnival of the Animals Aquarium (Camille Saint-Saëns)
Drums long fill buildup hard drums 128bpm G minor (Richie Ochuschayoo) samplefocus.com
Live perc 128-04 128bpm (wladymeer) samplefocus.com
In The Hall Of The Mountain King (Grieg)
Smoove Weekend (TW$) – I have the license
Håkan Dahlström @ Wikimedia Commons
www.freepik.com picture by Freepik
"At least that's what I think.... What about you?" inspired by T1J
capitalism, socialism, surplus value extraction, labor, exploitation, working class, capitalist class, proletariat, bourgeoisie, “who pays for socialism”
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