ULTIMATE acoustic feel & look "real-ness" in electronic drums: Check out AE Hybrid's sensational CTS low noise e-cymbals on top of their beautiful vintage style SE Club Kit in white pearl finish. YES: they ARE electronic!
All e-drum pads & cymbals are hooked up to a Roland TD-50X sound module, triggering some 100% authentic, smashingly awesome drum sounds from Toontracks EZdrummer 3 🤯
The kit setup in detail:
18" BD
14" SD
12" Tom
14" Floor Tom
CTS low noise cymbals:
16" Crash
18" Crash
20" Ride
14" HiHat
2 x 10" Splash
18" China
Feel free to reach out, if you have any questions concerning the gear used in the video. Also I'd be thrilles, if you found some time to subscribe to @digitaldrumming for more blazing solo drumming, music performance & sound demo video content ✌️
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Thanks for dropping by & happy drumming! 🥁
#ezdrummer3 #electronicdrums #rolandvdrums