-- FR -- Véritable coup de cœur de cet intense mois de mars 2025, voici Celestial Death, second album studio du génial trio néerlandais CRYPTOSIS @Cryptosis chez @centurymedia. Si l'on avait déjà craqué pour leur premier long effort Bionic Swarm en 2020, leur EP The Silent Call (dont on retrouve ici le single) sorti entre-temps en 2023 annonçait déjà une certaine transition plus progressive... A vous de vous faire votre avis !
Note finale : 4/5
"Reign Of Infinite" :
"Faceless Matter" :
"Bionic Stream" (official live) :
FB :
-- ENG -- A real favorite of this intense month of March 2025, here is Celestial Death, second studio album by the brilliant Dutch trio CRYPTOSIS @Cryptosis If we had already fallen for their first long effort Bionic Swarm in 2020, their EP The Silent Call (of which we find the single here) released in the meantime in 2023 already announced a certain more progressive transition... It's up to you to make up your own mind !
Final rate : 4/5