Lets Be Friends -
EXCITING NEWS Kin Tin Krew ... our family is having ANOTHER BABY!! RoRo and I are super excited to be big sisters! Well, I am already a big sister to RoRo but I'm so excited that RoRo gets to be a big sister now! It has been a while since our family has had a baby though so we kind of need to practice haha We decide to first practice changing a diaper. I practiced on my Kin Tin Plush, RoRo practiced on her RoRo plush and daddy practiced on a baby doll named Harold! It was so funny because dad put the diaper on Harolds head! Then we needed to practice getting a baby dressed so RoRo had to run around and put moms clothes on each other! That was so much fun! After that, we of course had to taste test baby food! We tried 5 different baby foods some were definitely better than others. Then RoRo and I got to take turns flinging the baby food in my dads mouth seeing who could get the most in his mouth. We had a blast doing this, but it was kind of hard to fling the food sometimes. Then we needed to practice being quiet because babies need to nap! We had to tip toe around alarms to put the RoRo plush to sleep in her bed. If we stepped on an alarm then it would make a loud sound and wake up baby RoRo ha I remember that normally the room is dark when you put a baby to sleep so I decided to make the challenge a bit harder and we had to do it wearing blindfolds! So fun and challenging! After all those tests we finally felt that we were ready to take care of a new baby again! Then it was finally time to find out if we were getting a baby brother or a baby sister!!! What is your guess?!! It's A ....
Kin Tin's Latest Video - Eating Only One Color Food At Disneyland With Kin Tin and Roro! Fun Rides, Mickey Mouse, Challenges
Lets Be Gaming Friends -
Thanks For Watching! See Ya Next Time Guys ✌️😉