Taken from the CROWN OF MADNESS full length album titled 'Memories Fragmented' on Transcending Obscurity Records
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Crown of Madness have put out a slew of short-form releases, improving upon their sound with each one and culminating in this full length that sees the most evolved version of their music so far. As accomplished as it is, it also happens to be unique in the style of dissonant death metal - in that, it's deeply personal and palpably emotive, and that poignant, introspective mood pervades their entire album. The music almost has a melodic albeit melancholic quality to it that is refreshing for a style of music that usually sounds harsh and detached. At the same time the music is driven; the hypnotic riffs are invariably interspersed with bursts of blasts and there is good momentum generated in this calculated, undulating pattern which becomes addictive. 'Memories Fragmented' is a beautifully tempered album underpinned by unforgettable melodies, an ambitious release but one completely devoid of pretence, which is bound to be regarded as one of the standout albums in the style in the years to come.
For fans of - Ulcerate, Devenial Verdict, Dysgnostic, Gorguts
Line up -
Sunshine Schneider - Guitar, Bass, Vocals
Connor Gordon - Drums
Artwork by Erskine Designs