Learn Insects Name in French with pictures [Increase your vocabulary]

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In this video, you can learn the 30+ insect names in French.

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Names of insects covered in this video:

l’abeille = the bee
le cafard, la blatte = the cockroach
le bourdon = the bumblebee
la chenille = the caterpillar
la cigale = the cicada
la coccinelle = the ladybird
le criquet = the cricket, locust
le doryphore = the Colorado beetle, potato bug
le dythique bordé = the great diving beetle
l’éphémère = the Mayfly
la fourmi = the ant
le frelon = the hornet
le gendarme = the firebug
le grillon champêtre = the field cricket
la guêpe = the wasp
le hanneton = the cockchafer
la libellule = the dragonfly
la luciole = the firefly
la mante religieuse = the praying mantis
la mouche = the fly
la mouche du vinaigre = the fruit fly
le moucheron = the gnat
le moustique = the mosquito
le papillon = the butterfly
le papillon de nuit = the moth
le pince-oreille, perce-oreille = the earwig
le phasme = the stick insect, phasma
le pou = the louse
la puce = the flea
le puceron = the aphid, greenfly
la punaise = the stink bug, shield bug
la sauterelle = the grasshopper
le scarabée = the beetle
le termite = the termite
le taon = the horse-fly

Miscellaneous animal categories, they are not insects:

l’araignée = the spider
le cloporte = the woodlouse
l’escargot = the snail
le mille-pattes = the millipede
la limace = the slug
le scorpion = the scorpion
la tique = the tick
le ver de terre = the earthworm

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Добавлено: 55 год.
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  Learn Insects Name in French with pictures [Increase your vocabulary] - RusLar.Me