Making passive income is possible wherever you are in the world! By selling coloring books on Amazon KDP, you can earn money online. This easy side hustle is great for those needing to earn extra money from home.
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About this video:
Selling coloring books on Amazon is a great way to make income online. Amazon KDP has earned people thousands of dollars. Start working online by learning about these high-paying online jobs. Whether you want to replace your income or start a high-paying side hustle, this video is for you. Making money online doesn’t have to be complicated. When you start any of these, you'll earn extra money online in 2022.
FTC: This video is sponsored by BookBolt LLC. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
00:00 How this side hustle works
01:13 Tools you need to be successful
01:47 EASILY design your coloring book
04:03 Don't miss this opportunity!
05:19 You WONT be successful unless you do this
07:15 BEST niches for Amazon KDP coloring books
08:48 How your coloring book will be found
09:19 How many books should I upload?
10:03 What should I price my product?