Better later than last year than never.
Damnation Lust -
Devil Master -
Decoherence -
Mispyrming -
Otoplasty -
High Command -
Visigoth -
Iron Griffin -
Throne of Iron -
Atlantean Kodex -
Swampbeast / Void Terror -
Antichrist Siege Machine -
Primitive Warfare -
Yellow Eyes -
Mgla -
Excarnated Entity -
Anthropophagous -
Perverted Ceremony / Witchcraft -
Witch Vomit -
Whoredom Rife Emissary -
Eggs of Gomorrh -
Magic Circle -
Midnight Force -
Skullsmasher -
Houkago Grind Time -
Aphrodite -
Graven Hag -
Dragged into Sunlight -
Nocturnal Departure -
Lord Mantis -
Minenfeld -
Harsh Realm -
Corpse Thrower -
Filthdigger -
Nucleus -