Full Song:
Roman Pagan Dark Folk / Tribal Ambient Music
Saturnalia is an ancient Roman festival and holiday in honour of the god Saturn, held on 17 December until 23 December.
During these celebrations the social order was subverted: in an upside-down world, slaves could temporarily consider themselves free men.
In Roman mythology, Saturn was an agricultural deity who was said to have reigned over the world in the Golden Age, when humans enjoyed the spontaneous bounty of the earth without labour in a state of innocence. The revelries of Saturnalia were supposed to reflect the conditions of the lost mythical age.
"Satur Esto, Fere Saturne!
Saturne, absolute genitor aeternitatis;
ut omnia exhaurias, et contra te augeas;
qui in infinitum cosmos indissolubilia vincula habent;
qui in omnibus mundi partibus habitat, deprecantis vocem felicem finem vitae semper sine crimine mitto."
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