I absolutely love all the Railgun OPs. I don’t know what it is because I’m usually not too big of a fan of EDM type music, but something about the combination of those elements, pop sounds, and even some rock with Nao’s vocals creates songs that are absolute bangers for me.
The drive of the kick, the tasteful selection of sounds from the electronic palate, the clear, bright vocal that just stands out, and the pure energy...it’s entrancing. And so, so hype.
And of course it works so well with the material from the show. Misaka being an electromaster, the strong focus on science and technology instead of magic like its counterpart in Index, and the epicness of some of the action scenes, everything just gels together, making the OPs very apt introductions to each episode.
That’s why I really want to cover some, if not all, of the OPs on the piano.
But it’s hard to convert this electronic sound onto an instrument that’s not particularly percussive and that’s also limited by the speed of my own hands and playing.
Enter @HalcyonMusic arrangements of the Railgun OPs. I spent a few hours just listening to each one of his arrangements before finally deciding that Dual Existence was an absolute bop and that I wanted to learn it, not only to play it, but also to see how he worked everything together into an arrangement as well.
I recorded this mid-July after a stressful few weeks of video editing and coordinating the musicality video, so I wasn’t interested in getting a perfect take. Instead, I just wanted a recording where I felt epic, and this was it. It definitely has a fair number of mistakes, but I hope my energy makes up for it, because I felt freaking epic while playing it haha.
One of the fun parts of interpreting this arrangement was with the choruses and pre-verses (idk what I’d call them). I wanted each chorus to build a little on each other in different ways, so I varied the amount of pedal that I used in each one and where the emphases were. In the first chorus (0:15) I used the least pedal and let the arrangement do the work of creating the forte. The second chorus (1:24) utilizes more pedal to create a slightly more expansive feel. The third chorus (2:35) places a bit more emphasis on the bass to give the sound more percussiveness and body. And, of course, the final chorus (3:53) I go all in with weight and percussiveness, especially on the chords at 4:10, even holding them a bit longer and pulling the tempo to give them more punch and affording me time to try to squeeze a tiny bit more volume out of my piano which sounded super epic.
I remember a few months ago when I first started streaming someone asking me when I would learn one of Halcy’s arrangements, and well, here it is. I’m actually really glad to have this opportunity now, too, because Halcy works super hard on everything and I'm glad that I get to provide my own interpretation of his work and continue building on the dialogue in that way.
It’s also a reminder to me of the blessings that doing YouTube has given to me, namely that of being able to meet new people. Starting my anipiano journey a year and a half ago, I would have never imagined that I’d get to talk to the guy whose SAO medley got me to dig around for more anime OPs and OSTs or even a fraction of the other people who are super interested in music, whether that be classical or anime.
Thank you guys so much for sticking this journey through with me even if you’re a new subscriber or viewer. As I’ve said so many times, not many people get to speak and have people listen. I have the privilege of not only speaking through music, but I also get to actually talk on this channel as well through streams and videos, and the magnitude and importance of that is not lost on me.
And of course, thanks for watching my videos and inspiring me to keep creating and teaching in your own way, Halcy. I really appreciate the work you put in and your drive to keep improving your own playing and even incorporate classical elements into your arrangements, and I hope you have a good hiatus. You’re an absolute baller!
Until next time,
- Watt
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Misaka best girl