The hour draweth nigh when the shadow of this scholarly gauntlet shall flee before the rising sun of thy triumph! Though thy hand trembleth and thy brow be furrowed beneath the strain of forgotten lore and unyielding tests, gird thyself anew, for the end is not a distant star but a flame at the threshold of thy weary heart.
The quill and tome shall be thy blade and shield, and with them shalt thou smite ignorance and carve a path unto glory.
Take courage, dear squire, for though thy burden hath been great, the fruits of thy labor ripen with promise.
The things thou hath learned.
The callous on thine hands
The resolve in thine heart.
Soon it shall be done.
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But you already know that, eh Stable Boy?
Hark! The image is a generation of AI, and the music is a fully original composition!