The host is Dr. Mikhail Sergeev, a historian of philosophy and religion. At the end of the conversation – answers to viewers' questions live on air.
BENJAMIN B. OLSHIN is a former Professor of Philosophy, Sociology of Science and Technology, and Design. He has developed and taught a wide range of courses, including Greek philosophy, Chinese philosophy, cultural anthropology, history of technology, physics, and industrial design.
Dr. Olshin completed an M.A. and Ph.D. at the Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology (I.H.P.S.T.) at the University of Toronto in Canada. He has published and presented work in the U.S., Canada, Brazil, Egypt, Ghana, Taiwan, Japan, and Indonesia. His most recent publications include a book entitled Deciphering Reality: Simulations, Tests, and Designs, about the nature of reality in philosophy, physics, and art, as well as a book entitled Lost Knowledge: The Concept of Vanished Technologies and Other Human Histories, which concerns early texts dealing with advanced technological concepts.
Dr. Olshin has published and presented his work in the U.S., Canada, Brazil, Egypt, Ghana, Taiwan, Japan, and Indonesia. His current research is in several different areas: (a) non-Western and Indigenous modes of knowledge retention and transmission; (b) the rise of consciousness in Homo sapiens and the transition of humans to Homo faber and Homo techne; and (c) a critical analysis of models of spacetime and temporality (the human experience of time).
Outside of academia, Dr. Olshin works as a consultant, offering occasional cross-cultural communication and management workshops, and is a visual artist in various media. For more information about Dr. Olshin and his academic and artistic projects, visit his website at .