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Today we take a look at the best Fallout 4 mods to release recently and several that I think will bring you back into the game.
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The Mods:
Remote Explosives:
PC -
Xbox -
Shady Motives:
PC -
Xbox -
Pipe Carbine:
PC -
Xbox -
Select Throwing Knives:
PC -
Xbox -
Boon Island:
PC -
Settler Built Settlements:
PC -
Dynamic Furniture:
PC -
Xbox -
Tumbajamba's Pryolator and Heavy Flamer Armor:
PC -
Tumbajamba's Heavy Shotgun and Gunner Armor:
PC -
Tumbajamba's Railroad Heavy Armor:
PC -
Tumbajamba's Minutemen Scout Outfit:
PC -
Author -
Author -
Author - iamtenspeed
#Fallout4 #FalloutMods #Bethesda