This video is the first part of a 300 French verbs series. It can be useful to learn new common French verbs to increase your vocabulary.
For each verb, I give you an example with a sentence.
Part 2 is available here:
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Please find the list of the 150 French verbs I cover in this video:
abandonner = to give up/to abandon
abattre = to shoot/to cut down
abîmer = to damage
accélérer = to accelerate
accepted = to accept
accompagner = to accompany
accoucher = to give birth
accrocher = to hang
acheter = to buy
agir = to act
aider = to help
aimer = to love/to like
ajouter = to add
taller = to go
allumer = to turn on
apercevoir = to see/to spot
apprendre = to learn
arrêter = to stop/to arrest
arrived = to arrive
attendre = to wait
atterrir = to land
attraper to catch
avaler = to swallow
avoir = to have
bégayer = to stutter
blesser = to injure/to hurt
bloquer = to block
boire = to drink
bondir = to jump/to bounce
boucher = to clog
bouder = to sulk
bouillir = to boil
bouquiner = to read
briser = to break
bronzer = to sunbathe
cacher = to hide
cambrioler = to burglarize/to break in
casser = to break
causer = to cause
changer = to change
chanter = to sing
chauffer = to heat
chavirer = to capsize
chercher = to look for
chialer = to cry
chuchoter = to whisper
cicatriser = to heal
coiffer = to do hair/ to style hair
coincer = to stick
coller = to glue
combattre = to fight
commander = to order
comparer = to compare
comprendre = to understand
compter = to count
concrétiser = to realise
conduire = to drive
confier = to entrust / to leave
confimer = to confirm
confisquer = to confiscate
conjuguer = to conjugate
connaitre = to know
continuer = to continue
contrôler = to control
couper = to cut
courir = to run
créer = to create
crier = to shout
croire = to believe
cuisiner = to cook
danser = to dance
décevoir = to disappoint
défaire = to unpack
demander = to ask
déménager = to move
démolir = to demolish
démotiver = to demotivate / to discourage
déprimer = to be depress
descendre = to go down / to come down
désinstaller = to uninstall
désobéir = to disobey
dessiner = to draw
détester = to hate
détruire = to destroy
devenir = to become
dire = to say/to tell
disparaître = to disappear
disqualifier = to disqualify
donner = to give
dormir = to sleep
draguer = to hit on
écarter = to spread
échanger = to exchange
économiser = to save money
écouter = to listen to
écrire = to write
emballer = to pack
embrasser = to kiss
encourager = to encourage
ennuyer = to annoy
entendre = to hear
envoyer = to send
éplucher = to peel
essayer = to try
étaler = to spread
être to be
étudier = to study
exister = to exist
expliquer = to explain
fabriquer = to make
faire = to do
falsifier to falsify
féliciter = to congratulate
fermer = to close
fêter = to celebrate
finir = to finish
fondre = to melt
frapper = to hit
fumer = to smoke
gagner = to win
garder = to keep
gâter = to spoil
geler = to freeze
glisser = to slip
goûter = to taste
grimper = to climb
habiller = to dress
harceler = to harass/to bully
hospitaliser = to hospitalize
hurler = to scream
hypnotiser = to hypnotize
idolâtrer = to idolize
illuminer = to illuminate
inaugurer = to inaugurate
infecter = to infect
installer = to install
intercepter = to intercept
introduire = to insert
investir = to invest
jaillir = to erupt / to gush
jeter = to throw away
jeûner = to fast
jouer = to play
juger = to judge
kidnapper = to kidnap
klaxonner = to honk
laisser = to let
lancer = to throw
libérer = to release
licencier = to fire / to be a member