Title: Lionfish One
Gouache on 11 x 14 Pastel Paper
Song: Bodysurfing on Hallucinogens
Album: Thank You, NASA
Bandcamp: Bendigai
It’s not often I find things in the paint swirls/splatters that make sense right away but this one did. In fact when I flip it around at different angles it still reads like a fish to me. Maybe not a lionfish exactly but the same kind of colors.
I’m also selling weird t-shirts and stuff on Redbubble:
The music was lent to me by James Short who is a talented artist and musician. Below is the link to his album Thank You, NASA on Bandcamp under Bendigai. He can also be found on Spotify, Pandora, Amazon, Apple, etc.
This is James’s license on Creative Commons link: