2011 "kiss miranda" beats and effects
pt1 1:04 / pt2 - 5:37
Chemical, Biological, Radiological (CBR) Decontamination Unit
National Archives and Records Administration - ARC Identifier 2580550 / Local Identifier 175.47 - Chemical, Biological, Radiological (CBR) Decontamination Unit - Department of Defense. Department of the Army. U.S. Army Materiel Command. U.S. Army Munitions Command. Edgewood Arsenal. (08/01/1962 - 1971). This film warned that decontamination of vehicles and persons were vitally important after a chemical, biological, or radiological attack. After an attack, units should have marked contaminated areas with approved signs indicating the time, date, and agent used. The four methods of decontamination were natural, removing, covering, and destroying. The first method, natural decontamination, was the easiest of all the methods for removing biological and chemical agents. Wind, evaporation, rain, sunlight and aging all decay biological, chemical, and radiactive material from fallout. The second method, removing, had both a wet and dry process. The dry process required brushing, wiping, or scraping CBR agents. The wet process used soapy water and disinfectant to decontaminate CBR agents. The third method, covering, used waste disposal and earth to cover the radioactive material from fallout. The fourth method, destroying, contained three methods of destruction. Super tropic bleach (STB) worked to decontaminate the Center for Disease Control's (CDC's) Agent B and G categories. Decontamination Solution 2 (DS2) decontaminated all known biological agents on rubber, plastic, and metal. It was best used on tactical vehicles and weapons. Burning was used for liquid agents. Radiological agents could not be destroyed through destruction. DVD copied by IASL Master Scanner Timothy Vollmer.