1. 00:00 Empathy by Audiomachine
2. 02:03 Ever Jane's Lament
3. 07:01 Edge Of Deception - Chris Haigh Dark Emotional Orchestral Piano Film Music
4. 09:39 Found by Marika Takeuchi
5. 14:40 DYATHON - I Need You Here
6. 19:05 Remnants of Departed Days by Owsey
7. 22:27 Flamme - by Tomoya Naka
8. 24:41 On Home Leave by Luke Richards
9. 27:55 Ever - In That Smile (In Quel Sorriso)
10. 33:09 Where The Light Goes by Josh Kramer (feat. Tina Guo)
11. 36:25 Sarah - by Jake Lowe
12. 38:46 Tony Anderson ft. James Everingham - Darkest Night
13. 43:09 Stand And Stare by Bob Bradley & Thomas Balmforth
14. 46:44 DYATHON - Life
●2. ???
●3.Chris Haigh Music
●4.Marika Takeuchi
●7.Tomoya Naka
●8.Luke Richards
●10.Josh Kramer
●11.Jake Lowe
●12.Tony Anderson ft. James Everingham
Tony Anderson:
James Everingham:
●13.Bob Bradley & Thomas Balmforth
Bob Bradley:
Thomas Balmforth:
●Follow VideoPhixa
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