"Hail The New Puritan" (1986) - A fascinating mock documentary directed by Charles Atlas for Channel 4, following a day in the life of revolutionary dancer Michael Clark.
This clip features an intimate scene in Leigh Bowery's East London flat, located on the 11th floor of Farrell House in Stepney. Watch as Bowery, Trojan, and Rachel Auburn prepare for a night out, with Michael Clark dropping by before his date.
The full documentary brilliantly captures mid-1980s London, weaving together contemporary dance, post-punk music (featuring The Fall's Mark E. Smith and Brix Smith), club culture, and avant-garde fashion. It's a vital snapshot of a unique moment in London's cultural history.
Personal note: I first saw this when it aired and spent years trying to track it down after losing a precious VHS recording. I used to see Leigh out and about regularly and he once knocked me to the floor at a night called Delirium at the Astoria in Charing Cross Road. For this night they had installed a fun fair in the venue which included a full size Helter Skelter that reached all the way up to the ceiling. It would deposit you straight onto the dance floor and Leigh came flying out of the chute, straight into me and we rolled about on the floor together. I later learned that this deliberate knocking over of people was one of his provocative party tricks, particularly when wearing oversized costumes.
For more Leigh Bowery and 80's London clubbing and fashion check Outlaws: Fashion Renegades of 80s London at the Fashion and Textile Museum in Bermondsey until 9th March 2025 as well as Leigh Bowery! at Tate Modern opening 27th February 2025 until August 31st 2025.
#LondonClubCulture #LeighBowery #MichaelClark #1980sLondon #PostPunk #ContemporaryDance #TheFall #CharlesAtlas