Rakhat-Bi Abdyssagin is a pianist and composer. He is the winner of prestigious international competitions. He began composing music at the age of 10. He has composed more than 100 pieces of music. He is the youngest lecturer at the International Council for Traditional Music, as well as at the International Academy of Composers and Performers “Impuls” in the Austrian city of Graz. Rakhat-Bi has entered the national list of "100 new persons of Kazakhstan".
The symphonic and chamber compositions of Rakhat-Bi Abdyssagin sound in the best concert halls of Europe, Asia and America. They are performed by famous soloists and orchestras. His creations were included in the treasury of the World Foundation for Performing Works for Piano and Orchestra, "Discography", at the University of Southern Illinois,USA, which has collected masterpieces of world classics.
Производство: Телекомпания Апорт
Эфир: Kazakh TV
Режиссер монтажа: Владимир Хан;
Операторы: Ниджат Юсупов, Анатолий Валуйский, Бахытжан Бахриев.
Редактор: Мария Кузнецова;
Шеф-редактор: Тамара Аушахметова;
Исполнительный продюсер: Галия Азимова;
Генеральный продюсер: Ирина Барманкулова
2018 г., №10
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