Bílé Světlo - Umělec (1976) Jazz rock, underground

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I do not own rights to this recording. All rights belong to members of Dělníci bílého světla.

Undergroundová skupina založená v Kostelci nad Orlicí bývalým bubeníkem Plastic People Pavlem Zemanem. Inspirací byl nejen zvuk původních Plastiků, ale také třeba hudba Cpt. Beefhearta. Od počátku měla problémy s STB, před širší veřejností vystoupila pouze jednou, a to na ilegálním Festivalu II. kultury v Bojanovicích v roce 1976. Amatérské nahrávky z tohoto vystoupení spolešně s několika dochovanými studiovými snímky vydalo v roce 2006 lounské nakladatelství Guerilla.

An underground band, founded in Kostelec nad Orlicí by a former drummer of Plastic People, Pavel Zeman. Inspiration was not only sound of Pavel’s former band, but also for example sound of Captain Beefheart. Since it’s beginning they had problems with STB (czechoslovak KGB), they only performed once in front of larger crowd, at the legendary, illegal Festival of Second Culture in Bojanovice, in 1976. Amateur recordings of this performance, alongside with few surviving studio recordings, were released in 2006 by Guerilla records.

Before the year 1989 - Velvet Revolution, end of communism in Czechoslovakia, there was strict censorship law, wchich included persecution of rock music as we know it. Bands were banned not only for their lyrics, but also because of their looks, especially long hair. Non-czech language names (specifically those derived from english) were also unacceptable.

So, some bands complied, cut their hair changed the name and mellowed their sound and lyrics. However, some bands resisted this nonsense and continued their art illegaly. This quickly evolved into the underground scene, also known as second culture. Officially, the people who took part of this were dubbed “dissidents” by the government.

The most well-known band of this scene were Plastic People Of The Universe - named after the Frank Zappa song, wchich also inspired their sound, alongside with bands like The Fugs or Velvet Underground. Later, they were arrested, but even that didn’t stop the movement-it only fueled its grudge against the regime.

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