The day has finally come to start tiling the bathroom floor. Begone sticky black stuff and roll on smooth cool tiles beneath the feet (wish they were heated now brrrrrr). At just under 20 Euro a square meter these tiles fit the budget and look great. The process was much easier here in the bathroom and tiles are going down smooth despite the floor having big lumps missing where the old levelling compound had to be taken out because it was loose. No levelling system just going with the falls on the floor and using hand and eye to level using 1.5mm spacers to keep grouting to a minimum. Really happy so far with the result and I'm leaving all the slow bits till last. What do you think so far?
I haven't used the Parting Glass for a while in a video and regular viewers always enjoy it so here it is again.
Bíodh lá maith agaibh.