Stone Men Episode 5: How to Move a 700 Tonne Marble Block | Marble Industry | FD Engineering
Stone Men - Episode 6:
Stone Men - Episode 1:
Stone Men - Episode 2:
Stone Men - Episode 3:
Stone Men - Episode 4:
The men of Henraux are making the maximum effort to complete the company orders, without which the entire company would be in crisis. At the Russia quarry, Enrico is aided by the use of an innovative resin technique that will allow him to save more material from the blocks.
Marble is the most luxurious stone in the world. But it has to be extracted from the mountain through a tough, dangerous process. Only the "Stone Men" can master this.
In Apuan Alps, Tuscany, Italy, lies the largest marble basin in the world. For over 2,000 years, people have been querried high-quality marble. But for every inch of marble a price has to be paid. It is a struggle against nature and the elements, against the mountain and its hazards.
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