00:00:00 Alive Without Breathing - Deskant
00:01:55 An Ordinary Day - Deskant
00:05:06 Around The World - Deskant
00:07:43 As The Rivers Collapse - Deskant
00:09:55 Call Of Muezzin - Sight of Wonders
00:11:43 Chandelier - Deskant
00:14:28 Crying Winds - Deskant
00:16:32 Desert Mist - Rune Dale
00:18:54 Desert Nights - Mike Franklyn
00:20:47 Devil's Disgrace - Deskant
00:23:12 Divine Serpent - Deskant
00:25:34 Dunes Of Despair - Deskant
00:27:01 Genie's Bane - Deskant
00:29:55 Invocation - Deskant
00:32:28 Keeping Up With the Tarahumaras - Christian Andersen
00:34:41 Last Call Of Jordan - Sight Of Wonders
00:36:47 Midnight Dancer - Jon Bjork
00:37:21 Muezzin Kharma - Sight Of Wonders
00:39:32 Pepper Seeds - Rune Dale
00:41:49 Phosperescent Gloom - Deskant
00:43:42 Salat Alsabah - Feras Charestan
00:48:25 Scimitar's Path - Deskant
00:50:08 Searching Through Sand - Deskant
00:51:53 Schimmering Sands - Jon Bjork
00:52:23 South Of The Equator - Trailer Worx
00:53:23 Synchrotron - Guy Copeland
00:55:33 The Secret - Flouw
00:57:02 Where Kings Walk - Jon Summer
00:58:53 Wonder Cave - Deskant
00:59:46 Desert Life
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Images are owned by KarmaTree Moments.