Music was such a force in him that it caused him to delay his work on a PhD at Northwestern. And what’s really weird is his reading of German writer Thomas Mann inspired pandemic themed lyrics that were written in 2019! It’s kinda spooky.
He’s a self taught banjo player, a collector of slang dictionaries, tambourine enthusiast, and creator of his own, occasional film festival. That last part is because he decided that Resurrectionists would make a video for all 9 tracks on the new album, Now That We Are All Ghosts. Go to reurrectionistsMKE on YouTube to check out all the videos. Follow the band on Facebook and Instagram. Grab the album from Bandcamp.
Follow us @PerformanceAnx on Twitter & Instagram. We accept money for coffee at ko-fi.com/performanceanxiety. We humbly offer merch with our cute little logo at performanceanx.threadless.com. Now get out your Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue and check out Joe Cannon of Resurrectionists on Performance Anxiety on the Pantheon Podcast Network.