Plot summaries suck, but here we go: Kickass is a 2010 film about an ordinary teenager named Dave who one day decides to become a superhero. But he has no powers and he's a teenager. A teenager that thinks that calling his new persona “Kickass” is a good idea. There's a storywriting trope called “the hyper-competent man”, a character that is skilled in all that he encounters. Dave slash Kickass is not a competent man. And this skill-gap is widened after the introduction of vigilante team supreme Hit Girl and Big Daddy. Will Dave succeed at his new vocation or will he die trying? And that's the first 40 minutes of the film. If you haven't already, Go watch it. Minor spoilers from now on.
"Maximum Effort" - Junkie XL (Deadpool OST)
"Stand Up" - The Prodigy (Kick-Ass: The Score)
"Flying Home" – Marius de Vries, Ilan Eshkeri, Henry Jackman, John Murphy (Kick-Ass: The Score)
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