Shelly talks about how she wrote some of her biggest hits, how she also sang on some of them, and how digital delivery changed EVERYTHING and changed it almost overnight. That’s when she helped found Songwriters Of North America and advocated for the modernization of songwriters’ rights.
In addition to writing hit songs, Shelly has also written a hit book, was nominated for a Grammy, and has won a She Rocks Award! So what’s next for her? She’s in the middle of writing a musical. This conversation was an amazing behind the curtain look at songwriting, how it’s changed over the years, and more. We even answer the question, “if you write the song but someone else records it before you, are you covering yourself when you record it?”
Check out Shelly Peiken at shellypeiken.com, on Facebook or Instagram. Check out her album 2.0, Etc and get the book Confessions Of a Serial Songwriter.
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