Spirituality. Ben Carson and Oprah Winfrey rare quotes. Student notes.

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"God never leaves you out to dry. There will never be a situation, where He will give you a responsibility and leave you there by yourself. He will always provide, what you need". Ben Carson.

"The Lord is in charge. And that's what we need to understand: there's never a time, when we need to be afraid. It doesn't matter, what's going on". Ben Carson.

"When we trust in Him, we also have to work for Him, we have to be His agents, wherever we are, we have to be willing to speak up for Him". Ben Carson.

"When God fixes a problem, He doesn't just do a paint job, He fixes it from the inside". Ben Carson.

"Anyone, who wants that change in their life, who has that thing in their life, that they can't get rid of, that they want to get rid of, there is a way around it, that's through the power of God". (About addictions). Ben Carson.

"The real spiritual practice is to like live from within, and not let the world divine, who you are. But you do that for yourself. That's the hardest work". Oprah Winfrey.

"So whether you call it soul or spirit, or higher self, intelligence, there is, I know this, there is a light inside each of you, all of us, that illuminates your very human beingness, if you let it." Oprah Winfrey.

"You will manifest the life that you believe". Oprah Winfrey.

"One happy heart energizes with happiness all other hearts". Alla Sigaryova.

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  Spirituality. Ben Carson and Oprah Winfrey rare quotes. Student notes. - RusLar.Me