Je suis le Petit Chevalier - L'Efant Sauvage [hypnagogic/hauntology/ethereal/noise]

Просмотров: 21   |   Загружено: 3 мес.
Zones Quest
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of all the universes in which you could be, why is it that it is this one - this one in particular? or is this the only option, the only possible series of events, occurrences, happenstances, coincidences. is this the indivisible sum total of all that it means to exist and to be REAL? how can something outside of those parameters even be defined, with language? can it only be contemplated internally, with no verbal recourse whatsoever?
ridiculously trip-resultant and trip-facilitating music. 'hypnagogic' is quite a broad, loosely defined style, but i think this qualifies as such. i hope you enjoy! keep dreaming on!
all music by Félicia Atkinson.

00:00 Talisman
14:22 No Love

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Добавлено: 55 год.
  © 2019-2021
  Je suis le Petit Chevalier - L'Efant Sauvage [hypnagogic/hauntology/ethereal/noise] - RusLar.Me