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Watch in HD!!! This is a song titled 'I, The Destroyer'. Its by a band called Monuments, and its off of their latest record titled 'The Amanuensis'. We played this song a few times on the last run we did together. Unfortunately, it wasn't a regular part of our set, but it was a lot of fun when we did play it.
I really enjoy playing this song because its not really too complicated or overwhelming with difficult sections. Its one of those songs that you can really dig into live and hit hard. There's a lot of room for embellishment, but the drums also translate well when played straight and heavy. I feel like I took a more conservative route on this play through, but I still think it was a lot of fun to play.
Here's what Im using in this video:
Tama Starclassic Birch Bubinga in Lacquered White Oyster
10" x 8" Rack Tom
14" x 14" Floor Tom (left)
16" x 14" Floor Tom (right)
20" x 16" Kick Drum
14" x 6.5" Starclassic Bubinga Snare Drum
Meinl Cymbals from left to right:
- 20" Classics Custom Dark Crash
- 16" Classics Custom Trash Crash
- 13" Byzance Extra Dry Medium Hi-Hats
- 18" Byzance Medium Crash
- 20" Byzance Dark Ride
- 19" Classics Custom Dark Crash
- 18" Classics Custom Trash Crash
- 18" Byzance China and 16" Mb10 Medium Crash (stack)
- 18" Classics Custom Extreme Metal China
Im using Vic Firth MS2's.