After dozens of electronic jams i decided to make a small serie with a more focused on music and finished tracks with my hardware. This is the first of the serie, i used my Korg Electribe 2s / Hacktribe (for the drums and distorted basses) and the Novation Circuit for arp and keys. About the Hacktribe i can say again that is a great upgrade, i made the drums sounds mainly using FM operators, trying to emulate the clanging percussive tones tipical of Sophie / PC Music productions, also the distorted basses are made in FM using the internal saturation and distorsion. The arpeggio is made with the great synthetizer of the Novation Circuit, a wavetable with a flexible matrix, i programmed it using his computer editor and programmed with the great pads / 2 octaves keyboard, about the key not sure at 100% that it's mine program but programmed in the same way :D
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