The Putney - The Putney II [progressive electronic/abstract/drone]

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Zones Quest
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a sonically-subversive encounter between multi-instrumentalist wanderer Ludwig Rehberg and indomitable ambient overlord Pete Namlook, released on the latter's stupendous, chimerical, possibly-mythical Fax +49-69/450464 label, and very emblematic of the label's experimental period, wherein Pete would muster into his garage a positively astounding array of modular synthesisers and other gadgets, before inviting a mate over, pressing "record", and seeing what happens. basically the kind of improvisational scheme utilised by the legendary krautrock groups in the late 60s and early 70s, e.g. Can, Faust, Neu!, Kluster and such, but this time rather than subordinating the electronics to the ensemble, the ensemble IS electronic!
so, best be careful... music from the FAX label is known to send people into deranged, destructively resolute states, where the only identifiable goal is to seek, endlessly seek more FAX music, until finally they regress to a childlike state, curled in a ball with headphones on, grinning maniacally and nodding their head to the aberrant rhythms, discordant harmonies and meandering noodling that constitute the label's output. terrifying! xD
rest in peace, Peter Kuhlmann, also known as Pete Namlook (1960-2012), your soul is forever embossed into the soul of ambient music
all music by Ludwig Rehberg & Peter Kuhlmann.

00:00 Earl of Burlington
12:18 Tower to a Wall
24:23 Clockwork
31:48 Blue Depression
41:36 Appendix
59:36 Finis

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  The Putney - The Putney II [progressive electronic/abstract/drone] - RusLar.Me