00:14- How should we, in application, test every spirit (1 John 4:1)? I have understood this to mean “pray if something is of God,” but I don’t know if I can trust the feeling I get in response to those prayers.
07:01- I've noticed my pastor doesn't preach about cultural issues like he used to. Shouldn't we be engaging in the issues of our day?
10:34- In 1 Corinthians 13:5 we are told that love "keeps no record of wrongs". How do we reconcile this with setting boundaries to protect from abusive behaviors?
14:43- Assuming it still legitimately exists: what is it actually for, in the context of the modern church? Can we still expect to get precise prophecies such as are found in scripture? What is the difference between a prophecy and a word of knowledge?
●Interview with Holly Pivec and Doug Gievett:
●Testing the spirits:
●Unequally Yoked:
●The time I went to a prophetic night:
●About emotions:
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