by Film Score Project
Having grown up in a small town surrounded by swamps and bayous on the Texas Gulf Coast, the sounds of the swamp were ever present. It seems fitting to add a musical soundscape to this landscape that has been a sometimes influential and encompassing environment in my life.
Pierce The Swamp
Chasing the setting more than the sun,
young knees pierce the swamp, undone
by recent storms and treefall;
crackling atop walnut slaw.
Water dances on witheringbbranches,
ants traveling elicit trances.
Paths cut through hyacinth blooms,
sunburst - rosy gold - among looming gloom,
begging to slow the coming moon.
Searching for signs of web weavers aloft,
intricate labyrinths sticky and soft.
Meticulous patterns of purpose allow purchase,
a map we'll never begin to interpret.
Do you stop for them too?
or do you pass them by like they pass you?
- Melody Ann Miller
Thank you to Isaiah Grande aka Fifty & One for playing synthesizers on "Dark Bayou" and "Brackish Water" and Mike Benoit for playing synthesizer and field recording sound treatments on "Swamp Dawn as Storm Approaches".
Thank you to Zero Ohms for mixing assistance on "Lull-a-by-u".
composed by Jason M. Miller aka Film Score Project.
Jason M. Miller aka Film Score Project - synthesizers, electric guitar, udu, sound treatments
Cover photo of Cow Bayou by Jason M. Miller
released December 1, 2022
00:00 - 01. Swamp Dawn as a Storm Approaches
08:27 - 02. Brackish Water
13:04 - 03. Dark Bayou
20:12 - 04. Lull-a-by-u
25:42 - 05. Swamp Dusk
#ambient #alternative #dub #electronica #experimental
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